Aquarium Design, Installation and Maintenance, Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaMarine Aquarium Maintenance and Installation, Thousand Oaks, California

Marine Science School Lab


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The Conscientious
Marine Aquarist
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, Bob Fenner

Ultimate Marine Aquariums
Ultimate Marine Aquariums by Mike Paletta
Saltwater Dream Systems

  New Marine Aquarium
Fish Tank Books - New Marine Aquarium

Your First Marine Aquarium 
Fish Tank Book - Your First Marine Aquarium








In the summer of 2000 the Pt.Dume ( Malibu, CA. ) P.T.A., in association with the Malibu and Santa Monica School District, began an exciting project for the students, a marine science lab.  


Specimen Tanks

Tank Size - 36" Long x 24" Wide x 18" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - 'Mini-Ocean' Complete System
Pump(s) - One Penquin 1140 Powerhead 
Protien Skimmer - Built In
Lighting - One 20 wt. Flourescent
Additional Equipment - 1/6 th HP Chiller
Placement - Custom Birch / Formica Stand, ABS Cover

Coldwater California Reef Tank

Tank Size - 60" Long x 18" Wide x 24" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - Wet/Dry Filter
Pump(s) - One Quiet One, One 1/16th HP Spa Pump 
Protein Skimmer - 18" Venturi 
Lighting - Two 40 wt. Flourescents
Additional Equipment - 1/3 HP Chiller
Placement - Oak Stand and Canopy

Tropical Fish Tank

Tank Size - 60" Long x 18" Wide x 24" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - Wet/Dry Filter
Pump - Rio 2100 
Protein Skimmer - Sanders 350, Venturi 
Lighting - Two 40 wt. Flourescents
Placement - Black Pine Stand and Canopy

Tide Pool Tank

Tank Size - 48" Long x 48" Wide x 12" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - 'Mini-Ocean' Complete System
Pump(s) - One Penquin 1140 Powerhead 
Protein Skimmer - Built In
Lighting - None
Additional Equipment - 1/6 th HP Chiller
Placement - Custom Birch / Formica Stand, ABS Cover

Tropical Coral Reef Tank

Attempting to use only 'tank raised' livestock

Tank Size - 60" Long x 18" Wide x 24" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - 'Berlin' Sump
Pump(s) - Iwaki 30RLT ( Filter Circulation ), Iwaki 30RLXT Internal Circulation
Two SeaSwirl Oscilating Discharges
Protein Skimmer - 36" Klause, (modified to air pump driven) 
Lighting - Two 250 wt 10,000K Metal Halide
Two 40 wt. Flourescents
Additional Equipment - 1/4 HP Chiller
Placement - Oak Stand and Canopy

'The Principle's Office Tank

This tank contains 100 lbs. Aqua-Cultured Florida Live Rock

Tank Size - 48" Long x 14" Wide x 18" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - 'Algae Filter' Sump
Pump(s) - Iwaki 30RLT ( Filter Circulation ), Quiet-One ( Internal Circulation )
Protein Skimmer - Removed 
Lighting - Five 40 wt Flourescent Bulbs
Placement - Malicite laminate Stand and Canopy

School Library Tank

Tank Size - 60" Long x 24" Wide x 24" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - Bio-Wheel ( commercial )
Pump(s) - Quiet-One ( Filter Circulation ), Quiet-One Circulation
Protein Skimmer - Sanders #450, venturi 
Lighting - Two 40 wt. Flourescents
Placement - Oak Stand and Canopy

Captive Eco-System, Kelp Forest Tank

Not yet set up

Multi-tank system will hold approximately 700 gallons. Will utilize an Algal Turf Scrubber with 'dump bucket' for filtration and kelp water movement.



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Acrylic aquariums, Fish Tanks, Aquarium StandsAcrylic aquariums, Fish Tanks, Aquarium Stands

Acrylic aquariums, Fish Tanks, Aquarium Stands

' Build Your Aquarium On-Line '



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Jellyfish, Jellyfish Tanks and Plankton Kreisel


MACNA X, Marine Aquarium Conference of North America 1998 The Tenth Annual Marine Aquarium Conference Of North America

Presentation DVD's

September, 27, 28 and 29, 1998
Long Beach, California

Jim Wolf, Tyree, Fenner, Hovanec, Knop, Borneman, Goemans, Leng, Thiel, Pellata, Frakes, Carlson, Sprung, Riddle, Brockmann, Delbeek, Adey.