In the summer of 2000 the Pt.Dume ( Malibu, CA. ) P.T.A., in
association with the Malibu and Santa Monica School District, began an exciting
project for the students, a marine science lab.


Tank Size - 36" Long x 24" Wide x 18" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - 'Mini-Ocean' Complete System
Pump(s) - One Penquin 1140 Powerhead
Protien Skimmer - Built In
Lighting - One 20 wt. Flourescent
Additional Equipment - 1/6 th HP Chiller
Placement - Custom Birch / Formica Stand, ABS Cover
California Reef Tank

Tank Size - 60" Long x 18" Wide x 24" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - Wet/Dry Filter
Pump(s) - One Quiet One, One 1/16th HP Spa Pump
Protein Skimmer - 18" Venturi
Lighting - Two 40 wt. Flourescents
Additional Equipment - 1/3 HP Chiller
Placement - Oak Stand and Canopy
Fish Tank
Tank Size - 60" Long x 18" Wide x 24" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - Wet/Dry Filter
Pump - Rio 2100
Protein Skimmer - Sanders 350, Venturi
Lighting - Two 40 wt. Flourescents
Placement - Black Pine Stand and Canopy
Tide Pool
Tank Size - 48" Long x 48" Wide x 12" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - 'Mini-Ocean' Complete System
Pump(s) - One Penquin 1140 Powerhead
Protein Skimmer - Built In
Lighting - None
Additional Equipment - 1/6 th HP Chiller
Placement - Custom Birch / Formica Stand, ABS Cover
Coral Reef Tank
 Attempting to use only
'tank raised' livestock
Tank Size - 60" Long x 18" Wide x 24" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - 'Berlin' Sump
Pump(s) - Iwaki 30RLT ( Filter Circulation ), Iwaki 30RLXT Internal
Two SeaSwirl Oscilating Discharges
Protein Skimmer - 36" Klause, (modified to air pump driven)
Lighting - Two 250 wt 10,000K Metal Halide
Two 40 wt. Flourescents
Additional Equipment - 1/4 HP Chiller
Placement - Oak Stand and Canopy
'The Principle's Office
This tank contains 100 lbs. Aqua-Cultured Florida Live Rock Tank Size -
48" Long x 14" Wide x 18" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - 'Algae Filter' Sump
Pump(s) - Iwaki 30RLT ( Filter Circulation ), Quiet-One ( Internal
Circulation )
Protein Skimmer - Removed
Lighting - Five 40 wt Flourescent Bulbs
Placement - Malicite laminate Stand and Canopy
School Library Tank
 Tank Size - 60" Long x
24" Wide x 24" Tall, 1/4" Acrylic
Filtration - Bio-Wheel ( commercial )
Pump(s) - Quiet-One ( Filter Circulation ), Quiet-One
Protein Skimmer - Sanders #450, venturi
Lighting - Two 40 wt. Flourescents
Placement - Oak Stand and Canopy Captive
Eco-System, Kelp Forest Tank
yet set up Multi-tank system will hold approximately 700 gallons. Will utilize
an Algal Turf Scrubber with 'dump bucket' for filtration and kelp water
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