Aquarium Design, Installation and Maintenance, Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaMarine Aquarium Maintenance and Installation, Thousand Oaks, California

250 Gallon SPS Coral Reef Tank


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Tank Size - 30" Tall x 30" Wide x 60" Long, 1/2" Acrylic
Filtration - Reservoir below, no bio-media
Pump(s) - Iwaki 40RLT ( filter ), Iwaki 70RLT ( skimmer )
Two Iwaki 40RLXT's and a Dolphin 2700 ( circulation )
Protien Skimmer - ETS 800 Downdraft ( copy )
Lighting - Two 400 wt. 11,000K HQI Metal Halide's, two 48" 40 wt. Actinics
Additional Equipment - 1/3rd HP Chiller, SeaSwirls
Placement - Showroom

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MACNA X, Marine Aquarium Conference of North America 1998 The Tenth Annual Marine Aquarium Conference Of North America

Presentation DVD's

September, 27, 28 and 29, 1998
Long Beach, California

Jim Wolf, Tyree, Fenner, Hovanec, Knop, Borneman, Goemans, Leng, Thiel, Pellata, Frakes, Carlson, Sprung, Riddle, Brockmann, Delbeek, Adey.