Aquarium Design, Installation and Maintenance, Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaMarine Aquarium Maintenance and Installation, Thousand Oaks, California

195 Gallon 'Bowed Back'  Marine Fish Tank


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Custom Tank Size - 60" Long x 22" ( at crest 30" ) Wide x 28" Tall
Filtration - Wet/Dry Filter with Bio-Balls
Pump(s) - Filter circulation is a Quiet-One
                     Internal circulation is a Quiet-One
Protein Skimmer - All Seas G-2, venturi operated
Lighting - dual 40 watt flourescents
Black gloss laminate Stand and Canopy

Note custom curved backside of tank matches curve of the stairway


Wet-Dry Trickle filter and two Quiet-One water pumps


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MACNA X, Marine Aquarium Conference of North America 1998 The Tenth Annual Marine Aquarium Conference Of North America

Presentation DVD's

September, 27, 28 and 29, 1998
Long Beach, California

Jim Wolf, Tyree, Fenner, Hovanec, Knop, Borneman, Goemans, Leng, Thiel, Pellata, Frakes, Carlson, Sprung, Riddle, Brockmann, Delbeek, Adey.