The front of this tank bows inwards.
Tank Size - custom trapezoid shape.
45.5 Long front panel w/1.5 concave bend - 46.3 Long rear panel
16 Wide left side - 25 Wide right side
Tall, mitered corners - 6 x 6 Internal Overflow
Filtration - "Euro-Fil" w/ micron bag
Pump(s) -Quiet One / Filter Circulation.
(2) Quiet One / Internal Circulation
Protein Skimmer - EuroReef
Lighting - Two 250 watt 10,000K Metal Halide
Two 36" VHO Actinic flourescents
Additional Equipment - 1/3 HP 'Micro' Chiller and dual Seaswirls
Placement - Custom African Mahogany cabinet
Note ( below ) Seaswirl oscillation units in both rear corners.
Each unit is driven seperately by a 1200 gph Quiet-One pump
1/3 hp 'micro' chiller unit is placed within a special cabinet in a
room behind the tank. The cabinet also contains the lighting ballasts.
An exhaust fan draws air through the cabinet removing the heat from the
chiller and ballasts and discharges it into the attic.
Interior of tank after four months ( livestock and service provided by Marine
Resources ). Note Rose Anemone in upper right.